About PT. Niramas Utama (INACO)
PT. Niramas Utama has established in 1990 and focus to supply coconut gel (nata de coco) in the middle of enormous demands of healthy foods and beverages. However in 1994, they diversified its products and created a commercial brand, INACO. PT. Niramas Utama (INACO)have focused on producing quality nata de coco and consistently developing different variants of mini jelly, mini pudding and puree. The objective was clearly to provide nutritious food for Indonesian children, while at the same time building a solid foundation and forces to be the market leader in this industry.
The Challenge
As the company grows every year, PT. Niramas Utama (INACO) depends on the constant availability of its back-end. After years of using a traditional on premise Disaster Recovery (DR), they realized the cost is getting higher. So, they decided it was time to look into leveraging the public cloud environment. They were attracted by the lower DR infrastructure costs afforded by the pay as you go cloud model. For the most important, cloud DR can provide backup and recovery for their critical server machines that host enterprise-level applications like SAP for business continuity and sustainability.
The Solution
Working closely with ViBICloud, PT. Niramas Utama (INACO) has several times assessment to build their DR blueprint, especially for SAP in application and database level. During the proof of concept (POC) using CloudEndure Disaster Recovery from AWS, they verified that their SAP workload could be replicated and recovered quickly on AWS Cloud without disruption or data loss. Given their tight budget, they was impressed that CloudEndure can continually replicates workloads into a low-cost of minimal EC2 compute instances. This allows PT. Niramas Utama (INACO) to use right-sized compute, only when disaster strikes or when performing to drill (do DR drill once a year). With estimated RPO (Recovery Point Objective) 10 minutes and RTO (Recovery Time Objective) 4 hours.
The project itself divided into 2 phases :
First phase :
Configure customer’s AWS account with best practices :
- We set up Virtual Private Cloud on AWS
- Configure and validate private/public subnets, ACL’s and security groups
- Create EC2 instance on AWS
- Configure IAM users, groups and policies for required access
- Configure VPN site-to-site between on-premises and AWS site
Second phase :
Configure Hana Replication System to enable the secure replication of SAP HANA DB from customer’s on-premise environment to AWS
Configure AWS CloudEndure to enable the secure replication of data from customer’s on-premise environment to AWS
Topology Solution :
The Result
With the main goal of creating an effective DR site to protect their critical workload, the timing of this new DR strategy couldn’t have been better. Just weeks after POC, PT. Niramas Utama (INACO) feel satisfied with our solution. They can test their recovery point objective and recovery time objective highly accurate and seamlessly with CloudEndure tools.
They can quickly deploy dev-test environment without significant investments in additional hardware. This also enables shifting costs from non recurring (capital expense) to recurring (operational expense). They can save up to 50% of its DR costs annually compare with on-premise option.
Now that PT. Niramas Utama (INACO)’s critical workloads are protected and get monthly review by ViBiCloud’s team to adjust their needs as their business keep growing. Because in ViBiCloud, we have focus to become reliable partner to accompany clients in their digital transformation journey.